Monday, February 15, 2016

Week 4 Famous Last Words

Another week has gone by. I'm still waiting for a response for medical school. Some nights I sleep; other nights I barely snooze. Today is supposed to be the last day when all applicants hear a response, but I don't know what to believe anymore. Is it too much to ask for an answer? Whether it's a rejection or an acceptance, I'd just like to know. My patience is truly being tested this semester, but I'll continue to wait.

My classes are picking up the pace which is expected. I'm happy that I have friends who are willing to let me stay the night at their place. It's difficult trying to complete all my homework late at night just to be up before dawn for a long commute, especially for an 8:30 class. I believe my hardest class this semester is capstone, but it's nothing that I can't handle. We had a quiz last week, and it wasn't terrible (except I crammed the night before because I forgot that we had a quiz). Am I slacking off? Just a bit... Maybe more that I expected. I never expected to be the person who completed her homework the day it was due. I know for a fact once I start seeing a drop in my grades, I'll clean up my act.

Something that made me sad this week was how much little time I've been spending with my family. I saw my mom once this week which is crazy for me since I commute. Since my mom and I have opposite schedules, it's been difficult to make plans together. Last night I worked late, and she stayed up just to see me come home. I'm thinking that I should take off a day from work so I can spend a day with her and my dad. Oh! Weird thing that happened last night. I was saying good-bye to my mom because I was about to drive to Norman. Then I see my dad pass by in his car so I said good-bye to him (he was visiting his brother who lives a couple houses down from my mom's house). It was so insane to me that I saw my mom and my dad simultaneously. Ever since their divorce, I don't ever remember them being in the same room together.

Happy Valentine's Day! Source.

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