Sunday, February 7, 2016

Week 3 Growth Mindset: I Don't Know

I was browsing through the growth mindset infographics, and I saw one that really stood out to me (posted below):

The Power of I Don't Know. Source.

Can you believe it? It's the power of the phrase that I used the most, I don't know! Hey do you know how to make LMM + azide media? I don't know. Do you know how to calculate the heat capacity of 2L of water?  I have no idea! What is the difference between self-concept and self-esteem? I actually do not know. And that's okay! It's okay because I can find the answer if there is an answer out there. The step that says "make Google do the work" crack me up because Google is my life. Sometimes that phrase can be frustrating because I want to know the answer, but now that I think of it, it's pushing me to find the answer myself.

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