Sunday, January 31, 2016

Week 2 Tech Tip: Cheezburger

For this week's tech tip, I decided to make a motivational meme with Cheezburger. It was very easy to use. You just choose a picture, then type in the caption. You can even center the caption to the left or right side, top and bottom. I decided to join the bandwagon and make a cat meme. I notice that the growth mindset pictures had a lot of cat memes, so I decided to make one that was motivating. Below is my masterpiece:

Japanese Proverb. Source  .
One of my favorite Japanese proverbs is Fall seven times. Get up eight. It's a nice reminder to never give up on your goals. There will be several moments in life where I will fall, but I better get back up after. So hopefully this little kitty made its way on top of that couch!

1 comment:

  1. Oh my goodness, this is an absolutely wonderful meme! The cat in the picture is just so cute! I also really love the saying you chose. "Fall seven times. Get up eight." It really is a great encouragement to keep trying at your goals no matter how many tries it takes. Thank you for making this adorable cat meme! I may have to try to make one soon.
