Thursday, January 28, 2016

Mythology Topics Brainstorm

1. Possible Topic: Bible Stories and Other Religious Topics I decided to look into the Bible stories because the majority of old English Literature and poetry revolves around Christian roots. Also, I never could finish reading the Bible, so many this would be a nice way to read the Bible stories.
Research so far. I decided to read through Daemonolagie by King James the First because my friends and I joke around about our other friend by calling him a demon. He claims that he is an angel, when clearly he might be pure evil (not really). It was very interesting to read about the effects demons have on people and the treatments people undergo to rid the demon.

2. Possible Topic: Mermaids I chose mermaids as my next topic because I'm fascinated with the idea of a half human and half fish. Mermaids have appeared in several stories such as the sirens in Sinbad and also in Peter Pan. Sailors of the sea have also claimed seeing mermaids in the ocean. I also loved Disney's The Little Mermaid so why not learn more about these mystical creatures?
Research so far. I looked through website where there were a ton of mermaid stories! There were a lot of different themes portrayed such as falling in love with a mermaid, having a mermaid as a twin, and even stories about mermen. What interested me the most is how the stories about mermaids came to be. There are stories about a girl who loved the ocean so much that she never left, yet there are other stories of dolphins being mistaken as mermaids. It was interesting to read about how the creatures, real or not, are still alive in stories today.

3. Possible Topic: Creation Stories I absolutely love learning about creation stories! It fascinates me to hear about how we came to be on this Earth. It's natural for humans to wonder where they came from, and each culture has a different story to tell about mankind's beginning. That's why I decided to read more about creation stories.
Research so far. As an introduction to creation stories, I read through the Wikipedia page on creation myths. I didn't realize that there were so many different types of creation stories! There are historical creation stories, cosmogonical myths,  and religious traditions. What really caught my attention was the theme of creation from chaos. It's crazy to think that from disorder there came order. I would like to read more about creation myths that are more Earth-related such as Native American creation myths.

4. Possible Topic: Greco-Roman Mythology. Ever since I have been introduced to Greek-Mythology in the fifth grade, I have always learned learning about it. My favorite goddess is Diana (Artemis), the huntress I think, because I love the idea that she's a huntress  (also my mother's name is Diana). Besides the point, whenever I have the chance to learn more about Greek mythology, I take it. So here is another opportunity!
Research so far. I looked though the Greek gods and goddesses section in I didn't realize that there were so many gods and goddesses! The website divided the gods and goddesses into several categories such as olympian gods, titan gods, underworld gods. and several more. I browsed mostly through the underworld gods and the Olympian gods. I might stay on those two gods, but for fun I could start browsing through more of the sections such as the titans.

Artemis, goddess of the hunt | Athenian red figure lekythos C5th B.C. | State Hermitage Museum, St Petersburg
Artemis. Source.

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