Monday, March 14, 2016

Week 8 Learning Challenge: Attention Video

I was browsing through the learning challenges blog, and I found the Single-Tasking video. I thought Hmm, why not? I watched it, and it made so much sense! In the video, James Hamblin talks about how when anyone does an assignment on the internet, he/she isn't just working on that assignment. The usual case is to have multiple tabs open. Therefore, that person's attention is divided and in most cases, they become distracted with the other tabs. So Hamblin made tabless Thursdays where he doesn't use tabs. If you want to shift your attention to a new topic or subject, you have to close the window and open a new window. This eliminates distractions and makes you think about whether it's really worth leaving your task at hand. I'm going to start using Tabless Thursdays and see how it affects my productivity because currently I have seven tabs open, and it's taken me more than an hour to finish this post. That's ridiculous! I was distracted with YouTube videos and Groupme chats which are on the other tabs. Hopefully going tabless will help me focus my attention on homework.
There is truth to this. Source.

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